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U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Attorney

If you're a federal employee facing a challenging employment situation—possibly involving disciplinary action or wrongful termination—navigating this on your own can feel intimidating and overwhelming. It's a maze of regulations, legal terminology, and high-stakes outcomes. At Schrameck Law, P.L.L.C., I am dedicated to guiding you through this complex process. I work to break down legal jargon, teach you your rights as a federal employee, and work to assert those rights. Ultimately, my goal is to secure the best possible outcome for every single client. 

Overview of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) 

The U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is a vital federal agency that safeguards the rights of federal employees. Established in 1979, the MSPB is charged with ensuring adherence to merit system principles. These aim to protect federal employees from unfair practices and to promote integrity within the federal workforce. The Board examines various personnel actions, notably those involving removals, suspensions, and demotions, and provides a critical platform for resolving employee appeals. 

This Situation Can Be Complicated


Role and Importance of MSPB in Federal Employment Law 

As an attorney, I've seen firsthand how the MSPB serves as a safety net for federal employees like you. The board does many things, such as: 

  • ensures your rights are protected  

  • ensures that agencies stick to merit-based employment principles 

  • preserves the integrity of the federal civil service system  

The MSPB's decisions influence federal employment practices significantly, setting precedents, and establishing guidelines for agencies to follow. It's all about promoting fairness, accountability, and transparency in the federal workforce. 

Understanding the MSPB Process 

The MSPB process may seem complicated, but don't worry: that's what I'm here for. The process kicks off with initial actions and decisions where you might face adverse actions such as suspension, demotion, or removal. If you disagree with these initial decisions, you have the right to file an appeal with the MSPB. 

Initial Actions and Decisions 

If you're facing adverse actions, it's crucial to understand what they entail. These could range from suspensions, demotions, or removals, and can feel overwhelming. But remember, you're not alone in this. I'm here to help you navigate these murky waters. 

Filing an Appeal 

Don't agree with the initial decision? You can file an appeal with the MSPB. This is where things might start to feel a bit complex, but with me by your side, we'll get through it. 

MSPB Administrative Judge 

Your appeal will be reviewed by an MSPB Administrative Judge. This judge conducts a thorough examination of the case and issues an initial decision. 

Initial Decisions 

After the judge's review, an initial decision is made. If necessary, this decision can be appealed further. 

Types of Appeals 

The MSPB handles various types of appeals, including adverse actions, whistleblower cases, and retaliation claims. 

Adverse Actions 

Adverse actions refer to disciplinary actions taken against federal employees like suspensions, demotions, or removals. 

Whistleblower Cases 

Whistleblower cases involve employees reporting misconduct or illegal activities within their agencies. It's crucial to have legal support in these situations. 

Retaliation Claims 

Retaliation claims come up when employees face adverse actions as a result of engaging in protected activities, such as reporting wrongdoing or participating in investigations. 

Statutory and Regulatory Framework 

The MSPB operates within a statutory and regulatory framework that governs federal employment law. It's guided by laws such as the Civil Service Reform Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act, and the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act. These laws provide the foundation for the MSPB's jurisdiction and establish the rights and protections afforded to federal employees. 

MSPB Jurisdiction 

The MSPB has jurisdiction over a wide range of federal employment matters. It covers issues related to adverse actions, appeals, and complaints filed by federal employees. It also handles cases involving veterans' preference, prohibited personnel practices, and other employment-related disputes. 

Relevant Laws and Regulations 

In addition to the overarching laws that guide the MSPB, there are specific regulations and policies that govern its operations. These include the MSPB's own regulations, as well as regulations from other agencies such as the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 

Key Responsibilities of a U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Attorney 

As a U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board attorney, my job is to represent federal employees in MSPB cases. I provide legal counsel and advocacy throughout the entire process, from filing an appeal to presenting the case before an Administrative Judge. I gather evidence, prepare legal arguments, and ensure your rights are protected. With a deep understanding of federal employment law and the MSPB process, I can navigate complex legal issues on your behalf. 

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Attorney

At Schrameck Law, P.L.L.C., my mission is to provide you with the legal support you need when navigating the MSPB process. If you're a federal employee facing an employment dispute, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Let's work together to uphold your rights and secure a favorable outcome, so reach out today for support.